Author - Paul Bennett

Write On! – The Paper Problem

The Paper Problem is the simplest way to communicate the question "how big of a difference does my choice of paper make in the total writing experience?". Let's dive into how we can begin to answer the question posed by the Paper Problem.

Write On! – On Writing Revisited Pt. 2

Why should you write? Is writing only something to be done for work? Why do we get stuck in our writing and give it up? Let's look at some of the reasons we write and what speedbumps we run into when we write.

Write On! – Face Off: Fountain Pen vs. Rollerballs

Are fountain pens better than rollerball or ballpoint pens? What makes a fountain pen "good"? How do you maximize your writing experience and what tools provide the best option for someone who wants to get into handwriting and journaling?

Write On! – On Writing Revisited Pt. 1

Why do people write? Is it just for work? In a world of constant images and videos, that get progressively faster and faster, does writing even have a place anymore? Let's look at that and see what reasons we still write.

Write On! – The Karas Blog Re-Launch

It's been far too long since we've been able to sit together and talk about all the random things that pop into my head and get jotted down when I'm working or even sitting at home. For quite some time the Karas Pen Co Blog...