8 Mar

Write On! - The Paper Problem

The Paper Problem is the simplest way to communicate the question "how big of a difference does my choice of paper make in the total writing experience?". Let's dive into how we can begin to answer...
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1 Mar

Write On! – On Writing Revisited Pt. 2

Why should you write? Is writing only something to be done for work? Why do we get stuck in our writing and give it up? Let's look at some of the reasons we write and what...
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22 Feb

Write On! - Face Off: Fountain Pen vs. Rollerballs

Are fountain pens better than rollerball or ballpoint pens? What makes a fountain pen "good"? How do you maximize your writing experience and what tools provide the best option for someone who wants to get into...
2 Comments
16 Feb

Write On! - What's a Finish: The Processes We Use on Our Pens

What is the finishing process of our Made in USA products and how have those process changed over the decade? We're pulling back the curtain and giving you an inside look at the steps we take...
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8 Feb

Write On! - Saying Goodbye is Always Hard: Discontinuing Products

As a small business that manufactures our own products in the USA, how do we decide what to keep in stock and how long a product stays in our catalog? When is the right time to...
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