Write On! – The Karas Blog Re-Launch

It's been far too long since we've been able to sit together and talk about all the random things that pop into my head and get jotted down when I'm working or even sitting at home. For quite some time the Karas Pen Co Blog was a pretty regular event, then slowly as the day-to-day tasks began to creep in, I didn't have the time or the content to keep writing. I condensed quite a bit of what was the blog into "shorter" content that went out in email blasts, but this blog has always been a place I've been drawn to, which is why I'm back. The blog has been officially rebranded as the Write On! - The Karas Blog and, for now, is being curated and written by me, Paul. I'll cover a lot of the same content I've written about previously, in fact, I'm resurrecting and re-writing several old posts as well as curating new content for this blog. I hope to keep it pretty focused on pens, writing instruments, our shop, other products we machine, and that kind of effort, and I'll keep other topics in the email blasts.
I hope you're as excited as I am to get back to posting on here semi-regularly. Several people have already asked me about the blog because it's linked on our new website. I was just waiting to get a lot of my other tasks done before re-launching this wonderful monster of a blog. Now that things are a tiny bit calmer, and I have a few weeks planned out, I'm ready to get things rolling again. Here's to staying on task and keeping Write On! a regular part of our written communication. I'm excited to see how this progresses, and to reengage the small, but loyal audience the blog has. As always, keep writing. I'll be back shortly with the first "official" blog post.